Protect yourself and your loved ones……

Dementia: The signs, symptoms, and what you can do to help prevent it….

So many people work out, and eat right so that they can make sure that their physical health is taken care of. But… do you know that also with physical good health as well as eating right is also helping aid in good mental health, and preventing diseases later on in life. Researchers are finding that if you take care of yourself NOW your life span can be lengthened.

A lot of people are now are finding their loved ones with many incurable diseases, whether they be genetic or not you have the ability to help your body be the best it can be to try to prevent these life altering situations with what you eat and the way you take care of your overall health. One big modern day disease that is ravaging families is dementia. It is said that 14% of people 71 and older have dementia in the United States. People who are 65 and older have some form or slight symptom of dementia.

Dementia is a debilitating disease that can be ultimately fatal. It starts with slight memory loss for example: (Names of relatives, kids, or your spouse. Not remembering where specific locations are like your favorite go to coffee shop.) Later dementia can cause your normal everyday activities into a struggle, you can’t remember how to dress yourself, brush your hair, or even tie your own shoes.
Once you are in the final and worst stages of dementia you can lose the ability to swallow food, walking, talking and have to be cared for around the clock as you will no longer have the cognitive means to support yourself in any way. Ultimately this is the stage that can be fatal. You are at this point in a vegetative state.

So…. What can you do to possibly help stop or even slow the risks of this type and many other diseases?






Here is a list of foods that you can add into your diet on a daily basis to help your body fight off these diseases:
• Berries- Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries they are called super foods for a reason.
• Sugar spice- Like nutmeg, and cinnamon are known to boost your central nervous system
• Omega-3’s- flaxseed and different types of fish are good for strong brain development.
• Coconut oil
• Leafy greens- Known to help support your cognitive health.

All of these foods are great to have in your diet every day, and here’s one more reason why you should make it your personal goal to stay in good health and not just temporarily diet because you want to fit into that cute outfit. Your physical and mental health count on you to take care of your later self.

Next week I will touch on further preventatives for dementia, the different types of dementia, as well as different cognitive and body exercises that will strengthen you if done on a continuous basis.

IT’S TIME….. IT’S TIME!!!! Sign up now to secure your spot!!!!

Round 2 of my exclusive boot camp program is geared up and ready to go! Make sure you sign up and reserve your spot. Spots are filling up fast.

Round 2 of’s GetFitNow Bootcamp….

Are you ready?

Yep that’s right…

The next round of’s Fall Bootcamp will begin: Thursday, September 28, 2017

Location is below:

Lewis and Joan Platt East Palo Alto Family YMCA (Grassy Area next to gym)

550 Bell St, East Palo Alto, CA 94303

As a bonus all participants will receive a free unisex “CoachABC Boot Camp” shirt and you are encouraged to wear it for camp.

You can choose from a black shirt or purple shirt.

This session of Coach ABC’s 6 week boot camp will be held from Thursday, September 28, 2017 – November 9, 2017.

The camp will be held twice per week on Thursday evening and Saturday morning.

Thursday class is 6:30pm-7:30pm.

Saturday class is 9:15-10:15am. 

Registration is open NOW and will close at 11:59 PM PST on Monday, September 18, 2017…..

This session will bring bigger challenges for greater results. With round 2 you will have access to the closed private Facebook accountability Group. Here you will be able to post pictures, receive nutritional ideas, motivational messages, and much more.

Soooo don’t wait, mark your calendars and don’t forget to sign up at


Here is a little bit of what people are saying about’s boot camp…


“I learned the importance of eating clean…..”


“I gained a sisterhood connection……”


“The ladies encouraged me when I didn’t think I could do it….”


“Coach challenged us, but it was to our own limitations……”


What will you say? Let me challenge you!!!!


Wellness Wednesday Tip!!!! Fighting inflammation with food!

Are you one of those that deal with inflammation issues from time to time, well if so, here are a few foods that you should consider adding to your diet.

Healthy herbs and spices:
Herbs and spices like turmeric, garlic, ginger and cinnamon enhance flavor and are powerful, natural anti-inflammatory agents.

Lean Protein:
Fish and seafood (salmon, sea bass, steelhead, black cod) and other healthy proteins (eggs. grass-fed meats, skinless poultry) are rich in omega-3 fats that act to lower levels of cholesterol.

Whole Grains:
Grains like brown rice, basmati rice, buckwheat, and quinoa digest slowly, reducing frequency of spikes in blood sugar that promote inflammation.
Fruits & Vegetables:
Vegetables (spinach, kale, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, carrots, beets, peas, squash) and fruits (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, pink grapefruit, pomegranates, and blackberries) are all rich in flavonoids and carotenoids with both antioxidant and anit-inflammatory activity.

If you are currently taking medication for any of the above noted issues, please consult your doctor before adding these items to your current regimen.

Wellness Wednesday Tip!!!! Protein bars…. Do you know what to look for?

Look at Carbs to Protein ratio

        OK, first thing’s first. If it’s a “protein” bar, it should have at least 15 grams of protein per bar. Less than that and you really aren’t getting much bang for your buck. Also, you want be sure the protein content is higher than carbs. Remember, the protein content is what makes a protein bar a “protein bar.” So if there are more grams of carbs than protein, or even worse, more grams of sugar than protein, you’ll definitely need to upgrade.

Look at the source of protein

            Choose bars that contain high-quality sources of protein, such as hydrolyzed whey, whey isolates and micellar casein. Whey or soy concentrates are fine but not the best. Also, gelatin (or collagen) is often added to protein bars to improve texture. You will find the protein type or types in the ingredients, from highest to lowest concentration. So check the ingredients and ensure that proteins such as hydrolyzed whey, whey isolates and micellar casein are high up on the ingredients list. Everything else is going to be suboptimal, and as a result, should not be listed high up on the ingredients.

Look at sugar

            Bottom line: Too much sugar in your diet will make you fat. And ironically enough, many protein bars are loaded with sugar. So avoid protein bars that contain refined sugars, such as sucrose, corn syrup, and high-fructose corn syrup in the ingredients. These types of ingredients will make your protein bar no better than a candy bar.

Next let’s talk a bit about artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols. To make a protein taste good (because plain protein actually tastes pretty nasty), manufacturers often add things like artificial sweeteners (i.e. Sucralose) and sugar alcohols (i.e. xylitol, maltitol and sorbitol, also found in gum). Sugar alcohols will be listed along with sugars and dietary fiber under the Total Carbohydrate section on the nutrition label. Sugar alcohols have gained popularity as sweeteners because they have fewer calories, don’t affect blood sugar as much as sugar, and also don’t cause tooth decay. However sugar alcohols do have a downside because they may cause bloating and intestinal discomfort in some people. Also, because sugar alcohols do contribute calories and affect blood-sugar levels to variable degrees, they will need to be accounted for by the low-carb dieter.

Here’s my stance when it comes to sugar (artificial, alcohol or otherwise): If you have a lot of weight to lose, I’d stick to protein bars with no more than 6g net carbs per serving. Net carbs are your total carbs minus fiber. The only exception to this is if you’re using the bar immediately after a workout. In this case you can allow more carbs since your muscles will be more primed to absorb and burn those carbs quickly.

Look at fat

            It’s a good idea to find a bar that does contain some fat since this will slow digestion and the release of the carbs into the blood stream. However you want to avoid any bar that contains trans-fat, and watch out for bars with palm oil and palm kernel oil- which are types of saturated fats. Note: Not all saturated fats are associated with an increased risk of heart disease, but palm oil is.

Look at fiber

            Look for bars that contain at least 6 grams of fiber. Fiber will help promote regularity, control blood sugar spikes, and help you feel full longer.

Look at total calories relative to the size of the bar

            Last but not least, if you’re restricting daily calorie intake as a means to lose weight, downing a tiny sized, high calorie calorie protein bar isn’t exactly going to make fat loss easy. Think about it, you could be consuming a chunk of your total daily calories in just 1 protein bar that may not even fill you up for a few hours. So pay attention to the total calories of your bar, as well as the overall size of your protein bar.

The choices that coachabc uses are Kind Bars, and Power Crunch bars (chocolate mint is her favorite)



Wellness Wednesday Tip!!!! Labels are important… do you know how to read them?

When wanting to change your lifestyle and get healthy there are a few things you should consider including in your plan. Exercise OF COURSE, a lot of sleep, LOTS of water, and eating a healthier diet. While trying to eat healthier you should really be conscious of what you are putting into your body. Raw foods cooked from scratch are a great way to go but if you have to buy off the shelf make sure you can and know how to read your labels to make sure you are getting the best nutrition possible.


When reading a label what is the first thing you look at? The fancy font, the color of the bottle, or do you actually turn it over and attempt to read the ingredients and the amount of calories and fats that are include in the food you are eating? The calories are always a go to as well as how much fat and how much sugar. You want to make sure that when portioning you read the label correctly, make sure you are getting the appropriate serving size and calculating the amount of sugar and calories for each serving. You always want to make sure you’re not getting too much sugared sodium when trying to eat better. Make sure it is a healthy fat you’re consuming and not a greasy one.

In the chart above it gives you a guide to what you should look for as well as what to stay away from and what is important to include in your healthy living and eating journey. Another good tip when reading your labels is making sure the ingredients are good for you. The less processed the better. Do you know what to look for in ingredients do you know what is healthy? Some of those big fancy words could get a little confusing and make you think it is healthy when all it is is a bunch of chemicals. In the list below are a few examples of ingredients you should try to stay away from. It is a little difficult because they seem to be in everything nowadays. Always use your better judgement it is hard work to eat better but the results and the outcome will have you feeling and looking amazing!


The following things you want to try to stay away from on an ingredients list are:

  • Artificial Colors (any color with a number next to it is artificial)
  • Artificial Flavors and/or Natural Flavors (can be toxic to your brain and nervous system)
  • Artificial Sweeteners (Sucralose (Splenda), Aspartame (Nutrasweet and Equal), Saccharin (Sweet and low) )
  • Benzoate Preservatives
  • Brominated Vegetable Oil




Wellness Wednesday Tip!!!!! Is fat free REALLY fat free?

Have you ever wondered if the fat free version of your favorite salad dressing is really fat free???? What really is the difference? Well… this week we are going to look into if it really is a good idea to buy that fat free version for a few more cents, or does it make sense to just be more mindful of your portion sizes?

When the food and marketing companies look into their sales and what sells more they look at numbers not the health of the customer. They want to make money. Most low-fat or fat-free foods will have more sugar and chemicals in them then the original version to make up for the taste which causes them to be poor nutritional choices. The labels don’t always tell the truth make sure you take a little time to read the ingredients. People don’t realize that they gain more fat on low-fat diets.

You are better off buying foods that are labeled reduced fat, or lite, because they take out the unnecessary fats and sugars.

And while it may taste a little different than what you are used to, you aren’t getting all the added chemicals and sugars just for taste. Your body NEEDS healthy fats while you are working out and being active because it helps build more muscles and keeps your muscles strong.

When trying to live and eat healthier it is all about portions and everyone knows processed foods are not healthy for you to begin with.


If you have the option, making your own salad dressings and preparing your own weekly meals is better than buying those 100 calorie items just because they are in the frozen healthy eating section. It’s all a ploy from the big box retailers they want your money and with a lot of us it works because we are so crunched for time. But if you want amazing results and to feel good about what you are putting into your body then make the time to know your ingredients. If you must pick up that bottle of salad dressing or that TV dinner just grab the regular one and portion yourself it will save you money and your body from unwanted and unnecessary chemicals.


See you next week!!!

Coach ABC



Wellness Wednesday Tip!!!! Apple Cider Vinegar… What’s ALL the hype about?

I’m sure if you have attempted any kind of weight loss program you have scrolled through Google looking for a quick fix… what can make the pounds fall off faster than just doing a workout or having to eat healthy and cut out your favorite fatty foods.

Most of you have probably seen the ads come up on your favorite social media site, seen and read articles about celebrities that swear by it, and also probably seen the famous Dr. OZ speak about it on his daytime talk show. Apple Cider Vinegar seems to be the new fad going on and everyone is rushing to try it…. BUT does it really work? What are the benefits? Is it really as good for you as they say it is? What else can apple cider vinegar do? AND the big main question CAN IT HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT?

SO…. Here’s the scoop! Apple cider vinegar has been used in weight loss regiments for years. It is fermented apples that naturally produce their own acid that really your body needs to be able to sustain a healthy blood sugar level but of course the pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know that. ACV also helps to suppress your appetite; apple cider vinegar makes you eat less by producing a feeling of satiety sooner. ACV also taps into psychological mechanisms that promote healthy weight loss. Of course with any new diet or weight loss regiment you should always consult your doctor.

ACV has so many other benefits not only for weight loss, it can help regulate your blood pressure, helps control your sugars if you are diabetic, helps with acid reflux. ACV also is very good for your skin and teeth. Of course excessive amounts can ruin the enamel on your teeth due to the acidic nature but as long as you rinse your mouth after or brush you will be ok. You can also wash your hair with ACV to help with growth and to make it fuller. It can too be used as a household cleaner and it doesn’t have all of the harmful chemicals like in other off the shelf cleaners.

So how do you take ACV? What are the measurements and mixture? There are MANY recipes you can find on line, it just depends on what you are looking to use ACV for. If you are looking for a weight loss mixture most of them call for 2 tablespoons of ACV in the morning mixed with some honey and lemon for taste in 8 ounces of water 30 minutes prior to consuming your first meal. It is said that it will give you an instant boost of energy and help suppress your hunger.

There are many different brands of ACV on the shelf; picking one can be a little overwhelming. The best is organic, and one that reads MOTHER on the front label that means that it is free of any and all artificial flavors and colors it is all natural. The taste is a little rough to get past but if you are willing to give it a try they say 30 days is the normal time period to start to see results in weight from the ACV but the benefits of your skin and energy levels can be within days.


Coach ABC Summer Bootcamp

It’s been requested on several occasions and from several people, soooo here we go!!! Bootcamp is back!! Registration is now open as of  Monday June 19, 2017 and will close Monday, July 10. Classes start July 20, 2017. Classes are twice a week ;Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings for 6-weeks at a local park. You will register at Introductory price including Bootcamp T-Shirt are now posted!!! This Bootcamp will challenge you and take your goals to the next level. Are you ready?!!!

Coach ABC will also help you to continue your journey after the bootcamp to make sure you are confident and comfortable with your progress. Don’t miss out on this wonderful and limited opportunity to work with one of the best, most compassionate, and caring instructors in your area.

Suntan lotion is NOT sunscreen!!!

          Suntan lotion is a GREAT way to get a little color. Unfortunately it doesn’t protect you as well from the sun like sunblock does. All suntan lotions do have a very minimal amount of sunblock in them to protect you from long exposure to UV rays, but you need to know your limits. You don’t want to over expose yourself; it can be harmful to your health and especially your skin later down the road. Suntan lotions are SPF 15 to 30 and are not recommended to block out the sun.

           The good thing to know is that even if you use sunblock you can still get a little bit of color without risking the chances of sunburn. You want to apply your sunblock 30-45 minutes prior to sun exposure. It is also a good idea to apply sunblock even when it is a little overcast outside the suns UV rays are still strong enough to burn your skin through the clouds. Sunblock’s are SPF 45 and above, these are recommended to protect your skin from harmful future problems.

           Make sure the whole family is protected ESPECIALLY babies and young children. No matter their skin color dark or light you are always at risk of the long term effects of the sun. Apply sunblock even if you aren’t spending the day at the pool, being outside in general is a risk to your skin. It is a good idea to purchase waterproof sunblock any time you can for swimming, and waterproof is better when you could possibly be sweating. Make sure to apply your sunblock as directed on the bottle. Fragrance free and hypoallergenic lotions are recommended for younger children.

           Precautions: Make sure to consult your doctor if; you or your child have any known skin problems, irritations, or allergies.  Sunblock’s that are recommended for best results:

  • AVEENO Baby Natural Protection Lotion Sunscreen with Broad Spectrum SPF 50
  • Banana Boat  Kids Stick Sunscreen SPF 50
  • Coppertone Water BABIES Pure & Simple Sunscreen Lotion (SPF 50)
  • Coppertone KIDS Wet’n Clear Sunscreen Spray (SPF 50)
  • Neutrogena Pure & Free Baby Faces Ultra Gentle Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 45+

           Just a few problems the sun can cause to your skin:

  • Pre-cancerous (actinic keratosis) and cancerous (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma) skin lesions – due to decreases in the skin’s immune function
  • Benign tumors
  • Fine and coarse wrinkles
  • Freckles
  • Discolored areas of the skin, called mottled pigmentation
  • Sallowness — a yellow discoloration of the skin
  • Telangiectasia’s — the dilation of small blood vessels under the skin
  • Elastosis — the destruction of the elastic and collagen tissue (causing lines, wrinkles and sagging skin)

Wellness Wednesday Tip!! Supplements… Do you NEED to take them?

Tips for those who MAY need Supplements!!!

For those that maintain a healthy and balanced diet, individuals may still need nutrient supplements depending on their situation.  For example, older adults, pregnant women, and people who are food insecure are at increased risk of nutrient deficiencies, thus the word SUPPLEMENT, we take supplements as an addition to the foods we eat, because you are not able to get all that you need from the foods.

Some individuals are limited in their food choices due to allergies, or because they are following a vegetarian or vegan diet. For example, animal foods are the main source of vitamin B12, so people who follow a vegan diet need to eat fortified foods and/or take a supplement.

Other groups who may require additional supplementation include people who are taking certain medications or have a health condition that changes how their body uses nutrients, and individuals who have been told by their doctor they have a specific nutrient deficiency.

Your doctor can order tests to help determine if taking SUPPLEMENTS would benefit you. The results might show that you are low in a certain nutrient or you might discover that you’re doing just fine. Additionally, review your current diet.

Remember, when we take a nutrient out of a food and concentrate it in a pill, it’s not quite the same thing, but adding supplements, such as vitamins, and minerals, are a great way to get those added nutrients.

Be sure to consider your individual situation and consult a doctor before considering supplements.

See you next week!